

The new coronavirus (COVID-19) has been an unprecedented disruptive force, especially for global trade and commerce. The pandemic has spread beyond borders and seas, bringing life and business to a standstill. Airline traffic has slowed down, cities and countries are under lockdown while people are still being tested positive for Coronavirus. The true magnitude and possibly enduring effect of this planetary threat are only slowly being revealed before us.


Most of us, at least once in our lifetime, have been a part of some employee engagement activity at our workplace. Willingly or unwillingly, we may have participated in them. It could be a fun game, an outdoor session, some team-building activities or ice-breaking sessions. These activities tend to enhance the feeling of belongingness and break the otherwise existing communication barriers between people of the organisation.


Ever since mankind existed on earth, humans have lived very close to nature. Be it in the woods or agriculture-driven societies, there has always been an innate connection of man with the earthly elements.


We all live in an on-demand era. Starting from movies to food to grooming services, we get everything on one tap. So why wait for months and months to get the luxurious office space we’ve always desired?


As we’re almost stepping into 2020, we look out for the hottest trends shaping the future of business. With this, we would also want our workspace to evolve at par with technology and global trends.


When you step inside your workspace every single day, you enter into a totally different world, unlike at home. You already have a lot on your mind, along with handling clients, managing teams, looking after all the concerns and whatnot. Ideally, all of this is expected to be done at the best state of your inner self with utmost perfection. Is it really easy on a regular basis?


In an era where co-working spaces are booming in every single corner of the world, Skootr, a leading commercial real estate brand in India has gone beyond the ordinary! A breakthrough in the concept of premium serviced offices, Skootr has brought about a massive revolution by introducing what is known as Workspace-as-a-Service in India.


“AGILE is an attitude, not a technique with boundaries.”When someone first mentions the word AGILE, what flashes through our mind is a Project Management technique. We might picture a group of people in an organisation carrying out an important project which is divided into separate tasks and involves a high degree of flexibility


The most effective marketing campaigns today are woven by the art of storytelling. Inspiring people with the magic of words and visuals leave them awestruck and helps to sell products like hotcakes in today’s marketplace. People develop a connection and find themselves highly engaged when brands communicate their message through powerful storytelling.