It’s a fun story. Are you ready? Before Skootr came to be, we were a business centre for international clients. Even then, office spaces excited us. Looking inwards for opportunities, we noticed unutilised desks in our own workplace. Turns out, this was the lightbulb moment we were looking for. We kickstarted a pass system to help small businesses and freelancers to come use our unused desks. We devised an hourly, daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual pass system and named these according to vehicles. From cycles to airplanes. You get the gist. The name that stuck with everyone (no points for guessing) was Skootr. As this new endeavour flourished, we adopted the name we were known by. And the rest is history. Skootr keeps us grounded. It reminds us of our journey and we hope, it shows you how far we’ve come and how much further we’re going to ride it out!