

Take a moment to think about the 4 P’s of the Marketing Mix, needed to make any significant marketing decision- Product, Price, Place and Promotion. One of the most long-term and vital decisions in this regard is that of the Place.


A usual day in Noel’s life starts early, reaching his office by 9 am, having back-to-back meetings, client calls, follow-ups with his team, and delivering the entire work scheduled before the deadline. Usually, he has a very erratic schedule and doesn’t get enough personal time. His work day ends around 9 pm and by the time he reaches home after a long drive back, he is already exhausted. Too many things run on his mind. He would love to relax and spend some time in peace with nothing bothering him about work or the next day’s schedule. But, he often misses out on the peace factor which affects the following day as well. This goes on and on.


In the world of travel accommodations, Airbnb is the top name of online booking platforms for the best and comfortable stays. Since its inception in 2009, this lively and vivid company has grown by 750% in just a decade and over 11 million users have stayed in their accommodations across the globe.


One of the biggest decisions you need to make for your business is finding an office space that is at par with your aspirations. It plays a vital role in building the foundation of your success story.


Modern workspaces have an immense potential to unlock the growth and expand the boundaries of all the brilliant minds working in the organisation. The most successful companies are the ones whose employees love every minute of their time spent at their workspace.


Consider some of the best organisations of the world- Google, Amazon, Facebook and LinkedIn. Do you know what these workplaces have in common?


Where there is excitement and fun at work, high-performance teams thrive. This thought has led to the metamorphosis of workspaces in the west and is steadily growing in the Indian office design as well. It has given birth to a separate relaxing and chillout space in offices known as the social breakout zone. Such zones encourage people to take a break from being glued to their laptop screens or chasing deadlines as they can relax and be at their own comfort.


The happiness of employees at work is the key to the success and growth of a company. It is possible to achieve this better when your workspace also radiates happiness. The office design, layout and culture together play a vital role in maximizing this experience. If you see a drop in productivity or enthusiasm in your team, you may have to think of upgrading your environment at work. Here are some simple yet highly effective ways through which you can provide a delightful and experiential workspace to your employees, to enhance their productivity and overall well-being:


Often we come across articles and hear business leaders speak at length about company culture. What comes to your mind first when someone asks you about company culture?