

As Indian cities breathe back to life after the choking conditions of the pandemic, we can observe routines returning to a state of normalcy. We can see the workforce returning to offices as economic recovery prevails in some of the biggest cities of India which includes Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkata. We believe a wave of transformation is bound to be seen among the workspaces as businesses and offices reopen.


Workspace Management and design saw a significant growth and digitalization this year. According to Gartner, 66 percent of the Fortune 1000 were observed investing in smart technology in 2020. As per previous reports, Managed offices and smart technology were the top emerging trends in 2020.


A word that’s often thrown around in the halls of marketing is rebranding. As brands evolve and grow, there crops in the need for rebranding.Chances are if you’re reading it – you too might be looking for it!


Covid-19 has accelerated digital transformation. Up until now we have only seen design revolutionize our workspaces but with the pandemic introducing new challenges in workplace safety, it’s time to finally use technology to make our workspaces smarter, safer and more efficient.


The pandemic presented new and incredible challenges for millions of workers around the world. In just a matter of weeks, organisations had to navigate the shift to remote operations while maintaining employee well-being and regular conduct of operations.‍


A global study by Steelcase found that 11% of employees are highly dissatisfied with their offices and as a result are highly disengaged from their work. It’s also very well known that employees spend almost a third of their lives in the office. In such a case, the working environment is bound to influence their engagement, well-being and productivity.


Workplace trends have constantly been changing for the last three decades. From cubed seating of the 1950s to open spaces of the 1990s and the introduction of leisure rooms with flexible formats and better amenities in the early 2000s. The workplaces have been evolving towards a more futuristic model with continuous innovations in IT and more focus towards community spaces.


We have seen a fair share of workspace changes happening around the globe in the year 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While technology has been the key force behind these trends in the past, we think that cultural shifts and millennial attitudes will majorly influence the upcoming changes around the workspace.


Though the number of people working partially or fully remote has been on the rise for years now, however the Covid-19 pandemic made everyone join the trend.